Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 in pictures

Since I love a good dose of nostalgia, here are some highlights from the year:

1. Kicking off 2010 the right way with my favorite people in the world in goodole Anna Maria Island:
Note: these are not all of my favorite people, just two gorgeous ones. All my other pictures involved bathing suits and I wasn't feeling that...

2. Our third and final Barrister's Ball:

4. ITP trip to Cuba!

5. My last Wigmore Follies--The Loanies!

6. Doug and Claire (and lots of other people) graduate law school...
Oh yeah, and Claire and Emily throw a Totally Awesome 80s Grad Party.

We also graduated:

sans ugly gown.

7. Zoe turns one!

and eats her presents.

this tasted much better:

8. Take (and eventually pass!) the bar exam

Here's where we stayed while we did this:

9. Mandy and Tim get married!

10. Travel the world

First, we went to Europe (Paris, Munich, Amsterdam, Prague, Venice) with Rami and Melissa:

my only picture with the four of us. If you want scenery, go to facebook :)

Then, we went to Southeast Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia) and Australia (Sydney and Melbourne). Clearly the pictures do not do the tripjustice. It was unbelievable.

Angkor Wat at sunrise.

11. Move to Los Angeles

You can check out our new apartment here and here and here.

12. Fantastic weekend visit with these three:

We had way more fun than this photo would make you think...this was taken while Zoe was mesmerized by the carousel at Griffith Park. Other highlights: the tot lot, Santa Monica Pier, Toast, Sprinkles cupcakes.

13. Start a new job as a real lawyer

14. Lauren and Alan get married!

15. Thanksgiving in LA (because of number 13), which even included a hike.

16. Christmas in Kansas City
No pictures from this one yet, but believe me it was a great week!

It was quite a year. Finished law school, traveled the world, moved across the country, started a new job. I am looking forward to what 2011 brings!

Bedroom Makeover!

So I suppose it is not so much a makeover seeing as it is only just now getting completed since moving in a few months ago. But whateves--since no one reads my blog I can make the titles as lame as I want. :)

The bedroom has been a work in progress. I would still like to add a chair and maybe some things on the wall, but I'm pretty happy with it so far! We have random things on the walls, a rug, bedside lamps, bedding I love, and a fab DIY headboard. All in all not bad considering I lost steam on the whole fix up the apartment thing once I started working ridiculous hours.

Without further adieu...I give you our bedroom.

Today I got these babies:
Jolie table lamp: Crate and Barrel

they were a Christmas present from my lovely parents. Since we were in KC for Christmas, they arrived today, and I couldn't be happier.

here it is in action on my side of the bed:
Notice the self and bhg magazines--highly recommended. and that adorable couple is my grandparents on their wedding day. don't they look happy??

And now the full bedroom shot:
I have no idea how to take pretty pictures and did this at night, which is apparently the worst time to do it. Sorry for the dark photos!

And here is one peering into the room so you (my nonexistent fake audience) can get a feel for how the room looks:

LOVE my rug. for reals.